Frequently Asked Questions

What time do I arrive for Camper Registration on Sunday?

Registration for overnight camps is from 2pm and 4pm on the Sunday of your camp week.  At registration you will meet your camp director, choose your activities, be able to purchase merchandise, and talk to our health care worker. If there is time, campers will also perform their swim test on the Sunday.

What time do I arrive for Camper Pick Up on Friday?

NEW for 2022 - overnight camps & programs (Traditional, Swim, CILT) will end on Fridays with a Family BBQ and Open House starting at 1:00 pm.  Campers should be "picked up/signed out" at 1:00 pm after which they and their families are invited to stay for the BBQ and other "closing activities".  Please do not arrive earlier as campers need the opportunity during the morning to finish breakfast, return to their cabins and pack all their belongings. During camper pick up, parents will meet with the director, merchandise and health care staff before their camper is officially "signed out" and back under their supervision.

Where can I find a packing list?

The camper packing list was sent out with your Registration Confirmation email. It can also be found here. Read the packing list carefully!

Can I mail a letter to my child during camp?

We do a “mail call” every day where campers receive mail sent from fellow campers, staff and also their families! We encourage parents to pre-write letters and bring them to our Director on the Sunday Registration. Parents can email campers (a $0.50 charge will be added to their tuck account) at Please indicate in the subject line the full name of the camper. If you are interested in sending a letter, our mailing address is below. Please note that mail may not always arrive during the camp week.

286 River Farm Lane
Lanark, ON K0G 1K0

How many skill periods are there in a week?

Campers are able to register for 3 skills for the week which they will participate in each day. There will also be opportunities during our afternoon free time to try a skill outside of the 3 skills the camper participates in during the week.

Can I choose skills prior to camp?

Campers will choose their skills when they arrive at camp on Sunday, during their registration.

What skills are offered?

Our skills offered vary from week to week, depending on our staff. Some examples of skills offered are below:

Archery, Canoeing, Kayaking, Advanced/ Beginner Swimming, Fishing, Arts and Crafts, Camp Skills, Outdoor Cooking, Drama, Hiking, Mountain biking, Guitar and more!

Is my child going to be limited from doing certain skills because of his age?

There are only a few skills that are limited due to age for safety.  For example, our kayaking classes begin at age 12.
At Camp Cherith® Lanark, we want to ensure the safety of all campers during skills.

My child is taking medications. How will this work at camp?

During registration, you will have the opportunity to speak with our Health Care Worker. They will be responsible for administering medication as required throughout the week. All medication is stored in the Health Care Building for camper safety.

Can my child be in the same cabin as their friend?

When registering online, you have the opportunity to indicate if your child would like to be in the same cabin as their friend. We do our absolute best to honour these requests, but there is not a 100% guarantee.

Does my child need to dress up for the fun theme?

The fun theme is a great way to get campers involved in our programming! On Friday evening, we have a banquet that is based on our fun theme! Campers are encouraged to dress up according to theme. Fun themes are sent out in your Registration Confirmation. You can also find them here.

What protocols are in place for Covid?

Camp Cherith® is a Covid Compliant Camp. As a member of the Ontario Camps Association, we are committed to following all government mandates with regards to Covid and any other Health and Safety related issues