Praising God for a great 2024 season at Camp Cherith® Lanark
Hope to see you all back this year!

Traditional Camps
This overnight camp is offered to ages 8-16. At camp, you will learn about God, explore nature, and make new friends. Campers enjoy learning new skills, a talent show, sleeping under the stars, and amazing meals.
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Join our Camper in Leadership Training program offered to ages 14-17 (going into or in highschool). Grow in your relationship with Christ, discover the values and philosophy of Camp Cherith and learn about the duties of staff.
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Family Camp
Family Camp offers the opportunity for families to enjoy daily activities for all ages, diving into God's word, relaxing and recharging, and nightly programming and campfires. Come experience camp together.
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Day Camps
Day camp is offered to ages 4-15. Experience the best of our traditional camps without having to stay overnight!
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Youth Camp
Campers 12-19 years old are invited to join our Youth Camp! A weekend in the fall with a guest speaker, awesome worship, and a relaxed feel! Come experience an exciting weekend tailored to older campers!
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Interested in joining our team? If you wish to serve the Lord at camp, we have both paid and volunteer positions to fill.
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To learn more about our
Expanded Visionemail
Book a visit from one of our team
so they can share how your support
can help expand our reach
for Christ and the Gospel.
Camp Cherith® Lanark is licensed by Pioneer Clubs and is an accredited member of both CCI/Canada and Ontario Camps Association.